Thursday, May 24, 2007

Senior Memory Book

Senior Memory Books are now due Tuesday, May 29. Take the weekend and make 'em nice!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Curious Incident

In this space, you can earn extra credit by posting comments and/or questions about The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Your posts should include this information:

- a short quotation
- a comment about why you think the quotation is important or what it shows the reader
- a question about the quotation, the book, or autism.


You can write a detailed response to a quotation, comment, or question that someone else has asked. A detailed response would probably be between 5-8 sentences and would include a developed perspective, not just a response such as "Yes, I agree with you," or (even worse) 'lol.'

REMEMBER: Please do not include your full name on your posts. First name, with last name's initial is plenty. Thanks, and happy posting!